Delhi: Lok Sabha witnessed a major security breach on Wednesday. Two miscreants jumped into the hall from the public gallery and sprayed a tear gas type smoky substance into the parliament hall. The incident happened on the 21st anniversary of the attack on parliament.

The incident happened at the time of Zero hour at parliament. One of the offenders was seen leaning on the benches of Lok Sabha and other released a smoke-like substance on MPs.

Members of the house went into shock and a tense atmosphere prevailed inside the house for a while. Speaker adjourned the house for a while. MPS caught the miscreants and handed them over to the Delhi police.

Police have identified two more agitators, one man and a woman named Neelam and Amol Shinde from Maharashtra outside the parliament carrying similar canisters which emit green smoke.

MPs expressed shock over the incident and demanded the speaker to take a stringent action. They opined that the incident had proved poor security measures.