The Department of Expenditure and the Ministry of Finance released a huge amount of Rs.8,453.92 crores as a health sector grant for rural and urban local bodies of 19 States. The grants have been released as per the recommendations of the Fifteenth Finance Commission. The State wise amount of grant released is yet to be known.

The decision to grant the amount was taken as per The recommendations of the Fifteenth Finance Commission (FC-XV.) The FC XV submitted a report, recommending a grant of Rs. 70,051 crores for the health sectors of 19 states for the 2021-2022 to 2025-2026. Of the total recommended amount, Rs.43,928 crores have been recommended for Rural Local Bodies and Rs. 26,123 crore for Urban Local Bodies.

Health grants recommended to be released in the financial year 2021-22 is Rs.13,192 crore. This includes Rs.8,273 crore for Rural and Rs.4,919 crore for Urban Local Bodies. Following the same, the Finance Ministry of India announced the release of the grant. As of now, the grant has been given to 19 states and the remaining 9 states would get the financial grant later.

These grants are meant to strengthen health systems and enhance the infrastructure in rural and urban regions of Indian cities. The Commission has also identified interventions that would directly lead to strengthening the primary health infrastructure and facilities in both rural and urban areas.

Some of the enhancement and infrastructure changes are:

Support for diagnostic infrastructure to the primary healthcare facilities in rural areas – Rs.16,377 crore Block-level public health units in rural areas – Rs.5,279 crores.

Construction of buildings of building-less Sub centres, hospitals and clinics in rural areas – Rs.7,167 crores.

Conversion of rural PHCs and sub centres into health and wellness centres – Rs.15,105 crores.

Support for diagnostic infrastructure to the primary healthcare facilities in urban areas – Rs.2,095 crores.

Urban health and wellness centres (HWCs) – Rs.24,028 crores.

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