In this strange world, where we often debate between mystery and reality here are some mysterious places that exist on this Earth.

Overtoun Bridge in Scotland :

In 1994, a Scottish man approached Overtoun Bridge with his new born son. He reported an overwhelming sense of dread and unease as well as a mysterious voice that claimed his baby was actually the Antichrist! Hypnotized by the surroundings, He threw the child over the side of the bridge to its death and the man also jumped but managed to survive the fall.


Overtoun Bridge has been home to the mass suicides of multiple dogs. Over the last 20 years, dogs were reported to be  leaping to their deaths from the same spot from which the man threw his baby. No one has discovered a scientific reason for this behavior of dogs and dog walkers are warned not to cross the bridge while walking with their non-human companions.





Roopkund in India :

Roopkund in India is one of the strangest places on the planet. In 1942, Locals discovered a haunted secret in the depths of the frozen lake sitting in the crevice of a small valley where over 200 skeletons were found at the bottom.


A massive investigation took place. The skeletons were looking so clean and preserved that they were believed to have died recently but further autopsy work discovered that they were in fact a 1000 years old and had not died from warfare. The only specific thing unifying the skeletons besides their location was a slight fracture on the skull.



Tequendama Falls in Columbia :

In the early 1990’s, strange occurrences were taking place around one of the most popular destinations, Tequendama Falls, home to the world’s most beautiful waterfalls.


It was the location of the famous hotel Desoto. This hotel has terrific views of the surrounding jungles, but multiple suicides and rumored demon sacrifices forced the owners to close the hotel doors. Due to the local legend of foreign satanic worshipers opening a mouth of  hell  right outside the hotel, it has been abandoned since 30 years.



Aokigahara Forest in Japan :

The Aokigahara Forest in Japan can claim to be the second highest suicide rate in the world. Even after many scientific explorations, there is not one known cause for the number terrifying losses deep within the woods.


Every supernatural entity from witches to demons to werewolves have emanated from this place, as the story twisted in the roots of this sad and evil place. Some Scientists have stated that the severe temperature changes aided by the trees as the reason for the constant suicides.


We could even find dolls tied and stapled to trees. Officers report of upto 60 bodies a year in the forest



Bermuda Triangle :

Not to be confused with the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, the Devil sea is the portion of the Pacific Ocean known for multiple major disappearances. In the depths of the sea, drivers have found planes, ships and bodies with no outward signs of what caused their crashes or deaths. Some scientists believe that under water volcanic activity might be strong enough to affect the magnetic instruments used by planes and boats.


The second most popular theory is that the volcanic activity is actually a covering for the opening of hell and satan himself is behind these mass causalities.




Bigelow Ranch in US :

The Bigelow Ranch is known to be one of the famous U.S., Locations for possible Extraterrestrial activity in the entire world found is in Utah. The Ranch owned by Robert T. Bigelow has been the site of some of the most baffling and gruesome animal mutilations ever recorded.


From dogs being zapped with laser beams and cows left with Skeletons without blood loss. Other reports of multiple flying machines and even doorways in the sky have lent more fame to the ranch.



Helltown in Ohio :

In the 1960’s the U.S., Government purchased a large plot of land in northern Ohio near Summit County. The land was purchased to develop a local National Park and the residents of the area were forced to abandon their homes.



The Government forced the park services to burn down all of the remaining homes to start rebuilding, though the project was never finished. Now the buildings that remained charred have been given the name Helltown, Ohio and it has become the home of multiple devil worshipers.



Watch : Strange Couple Across the Globe