The United States Congress passed a bill on same sex marriage, on the 8th of December, Thursday.  

The Respect for Marriage Act was passed in the house, to protect the same sex marriage, stepping forwards towards the equality of the LGBTQI+ community.  The bill was passed with 258-169-1 votes, with the support of 39 Republicans in the parliament.

After approval, the passed bill has been sent to the White House for final approval by  Mr. Joe Biden, the President of the United States of America (U.S.A.)  

Mr. Joe Biden, who is in support of the bill said,  “The bipartisan passage of the Respect for Marriage Act will give peace of mind to millions of LGBTQI+ and interracial couples who are now guaranteed the rights and protections to which they and their children are entitled.”  The United States President further said, “We must never stop fighting for full equality for LGBTQI+ Americans and all Americans.”

In addition, Ms. Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker said, “Just as I began my career fighting for LGBTQ communities, I am overjoyed that one of the final bills I will sign as speaker will be the Respect for Marriage Act: ensuring the federal government will never again stand in the way of marrying the person you love.”

 If the bill is passed, same sex marriage would be legal in the U.S.A.

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