The Supreme Court (SC) announced its verdict in the 10% Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Quota, in admissions and government jobs.

On the 7th of November, Monday, the five judge bench of the Apex Court, upheld the 10% reservation to EWS in admissions and government jobs with 3:2 majority.  The judgement was not unanimous and the majority of the judges were in support of the EWS 10% reservation.

The Supreme Court bench was led by the Chief Justice of India (CJI) U.U. Lalit, including judges Mr. S. Ravindra Bhat, Mr. Dinesh Maheswari, Ms. Bela M. Trivedi and Mr. J.B. Pardiwal. 

During the court hearing, Justice Mr. Dinesh Maheshwari, Justice Ms. Bela M. Trivedi and Justice Mr. J.B. Pardiwal said the EWS Quota, providing 10% reservation in government jobs and college admission does not violate the equality code or constitutional laws.  On the other hand, the Chief Justice Of India Mr. U.U. Lalit and Justice Mr. S. Ravindra Bhat were against the EWS Quota and said that the law was discriminatory and violative of the basic structure of the Constitution.  

The top court heard as many as 40 petitions and most of the pleas, including the lead one filed by ‘Janhit Abhiyan’ in 2019, challenged the validity of the Constitution Amendment (103rd) Act 2019.  After several hearings, the Supreme Court five judge bench reserved its verdict in the last hearing, held on the 27th of September.

As per the announced split verdict, with the majority of judges (3) in support of the EWS Quota 10% reservation, the EWS Reservation would be in effect.  

Stay tuned for further updates.

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