After a month of protest by the citizens of Sri Lanka, the nation’s president Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa has agreed to replace his older brother as the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka  Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa. 

On the 29th of April, Friday, the President said to take a decision and proposed an interim government to solve a political impasse caused by the country’s worst economic crisis in decades.  The information was revealed by a prominent lawmaker close to the source on the condition of anonymity.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa agreed that a national council would be appointed to name a new prime minister and a Cabinet comprised of all parties in Parliament.  The aforementioned information was shared by a  lawmaker Ms. Maithripala Sirisena.  She held a meeting with the president.

Furthermore, Ms. Sirisena, who was president before Rajapaksa, was a governing party lawmaker before defecting earlier this month along with nearly 40 other legislators..

Meanwhile, Sri Lanka is near bankruptcy and has announced it is suspending payments on its foreign loans. It has to repay $7 billion in foreign debt this year, and $25 billion by 2026. Its foreign reserves stand at less than $1 billion.

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