In Madhya Pradesh’s Vidisha area, a Right To Information (RTI) activist Mr. Ranjeet Soni was murdered.  On the 2nd of June, evening, Mr. Ranjeet Soni was shot dead from behind near the Public Works Department (PWD) office.

The deceased, who was also a former government contractor is said to be killed from a close range, near the PWD Office in Vidisha.  As per the police, the personal rivalry could be a reason for his murder, as he was active in the Indian Government and used to collect government data through the RTI Act.

Ms. Monica Shukla, the District Superintendent of Police (DSP,) said, “He was shot in the head from behind, from a close range, in the portico of the PWD office.”  Furthermore, the police said, the CCTV cameras at the PWD office premises were not functioning, and police are looking for footage of cameras installed in the surrounding areas. A case has been registered under the relevant section of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and an investigation is underway.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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