Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, who is in Sydney for a three day visit to Australia, raised the temple vandalism issue.

During his meeting with the Australian Counterpart Mr. Anthony Albanese, Mr. Narendra Modi raised the issue of vandalism of Hindu temples in Australia.  After the discussion, Mr. Narendra Modi said, “PM Anthony Albanese and I have in the past discussed the issue of attack on temples in Australia and activities of separatist elements.  We discussed the matter today also.”  He said that the Australian PM had assured him of strict action against those indulging in such vandalism.

Mr. Narendra Modi said, “We will not accept any elements that harm the friendly and warm ties between the India-Australia relationship by their action or thoughts. PM Albanese assured me once again today that he will take strict actions against such elements in the future also.”

The matter came after the past incidents of temple vandalism in Australia.  In March, a prominent Hindu temple in Brisbane, Shree Laxmi Narayan Temple, was attacked by pro-Khalistan supporters.  This was the fourth incident of vandalism against Hindu temples in two months (January and February) in Australia.

The matter created a ruckus amongst Hindus in Australia, who demanded strict action against Pro-Khalistanis.  At the time of the incident, the Indian officials disucssed the matter with the Australian Government officials.  In addition, Mr. Narendra Modi once again raised the matter during his visit, and asked for action.

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