Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi tore into the Opposition, especially the Congress, in the Parliament during his address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. While replying to the debate on the Motion of Thanks to the President’s address, Modi criticised the Congress party for turning every opportunity into an isuue, he also stated that instead of constructive criticism, compulsive critics have taken over.

Here are some of the quotes Mr. Narendra Modi made during his parliament speech on the 8th of February, Wednesday:

Yesterday, I saw that after speeches by some people, the entire ecosystem got jubilant. Some people were very happy, saying ‘yeh hui na baat (this is how it should be)’.

In the last nine years, instead of constructive criticism, compulsive critics have taken over. The Congress said India’s destruction will be a case study at Harvard. However, in the past few years, Harvard did an important study. The topic was called The Rise and Decline of India’s Congress Party.

The hate they have inside came out in the open in their speeches.

Everyone gave their points and put forward arguments here. They spoke according to their interest, nature and world view. In trying to understand them, it also comes to mind who is how much capable, who has what ability and who has what intention. The country is also evaluating them.

The country is extremely confident with the way it has moved forward amid a divided world and an unstable global environment. The zeal of 140 crore Indians is stronger than any challenge. Yet, some people are upset about all this. They should introspect.

Reforms are happening not out of compulsion. They are happening because of conviction.

This time, along with thanks, I also want to congratulate the President. Her presence as the head of the republic is not only historic, but it is also an opportunity of great inspiration for crores of daughters of the country.

India’s digital infrastructure has made some rapid strides. The world has taken notice of “Digital India”. There was a time when our country used to struggle even for the most basic technologies.

Between 2004 and 2014, the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) turned every opportunity into a problem. When the world was making advancements in technology, they were stuck in the 2G scam.

In the 2010 Commonwealth Games, an opportunity presented itself to show India’s progress to the world, but even that turned into a huge scam.

‘Gaali’ can’t my stop my Gati, people’s mandate is my security cover.

Lose election, blame it on EVMs. Lose elections, slam the Election Commission. If a judgement is not in favour, then criticise the Supreme Court. If there is a probe against corruption, then they target the investigating agencies.

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