The Hijab Row of Karnataka became a national issue with opinions and voices from political parties’ leaders to netizens. After the Karnataka High Court, the matter now reached the Supreme Court.

After being disappointed with the Karnataka HC judgment and interim order until the matter is resolved, a few Muslim students filed a petition in the Supreme Court.

What is the judgment of Karnataka HC?

On the 10th of February, Thursday, the Karnataka HC continued the hearing and issued an interim order, restraining students from wearing religious attire, until the matter is pending. With this order, the Court adjourned the matter to the 14th of February, Monday.

However, the students were not happy and filed a petition to the Top Court. The student said that practical exams begin on February 15 and “any interference on students’ access to educational institutions will impede their education”. The petitioner further argued that wearing the hijab is within the constitutional right of expression, right to privacy, and “Freedom of Conscience”, so the High Court order violates the constitution.

It further added, “The government has issued an order thereby denying entry to the Muslim Women wearing Hijab in the educational institutions. The impugned order creates an unreasonable classification between the non-Muslim female students and the Muslim female students and thereby is in straight violation of the concept of secularism which forms the basic structure of the Indian Constitution. The impugned order is also in sheer violation of Articles 14, 15, 19, 21, and 25 of the Indian Constitution and also violates the core principles of the International Conventions that India is a signatory.”

However, the Apex Court refused the urgent hearing and said, they will see. The Chief Justice of India (CJI) N.V. Ramana said, “Don’t spread these things to a national level. We will interfere only at an appropriate time.” He further said, “Please do not spread it to larger levels. We know what is happening. Think over, is it proper to bring these things to Delhi? The national level? If there is anything wrong, we will protect…”

Meanwhile, schools and colleges have been shut until the 13th of February, to maintain peace in the State over the “Hijab Row.”

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