In a shocking incident, a Bhojpuri actress was allegedly raped in a hotel room of Gurugram, Haryana, said police on the 21st of July, Friday.

Getting into the details, a Bhojpuri actress who resides in Delhi became friends with a stranger on Instagram, a photo sharing social media platform. 

The matter came into light a month later, as the incident occurred on the 29th of June, in the pretext of offering a Bhojpuri film.  The accused identified as Mahesh started talking to the victim on Instagram, following which they became friends.

Later, he offered her a movie and asked her to come to a hotel, where he had already booked a room under a fake name of Suresh.  Soon in the room, he asked a few questions and then started drinking.  When she stopped him and asked to leave, he forced on to her and allegedly raped her.

The police has arrested Mahesh and launched an investigation into the matter.

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