Fishing boats have been anchored, large ships sent to high seas, more than 4,000 hoardings taken down and salt pan workers and pregnant women have been taken to safer places as authorities have evacuated about 1 lakh people in Gujarat in the wake of Cyclone ‘Biparjoy’, NDRF DG Atul Karwal said Thursday.

The head of the federal contingency force said the NDRF has also kept on alert 15 teams in the north, east and south of the country to airlift them and reinforce the strength of these 33 teams which have been earmarked for cyclone relief and rescue work in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

A total of 18 teams have been stationed in Gujarat which is predicted to take the maximum brunt of the cyclonic storm and resulting strong winds and heavy rains.

The cyclone is said to be the worst of its kind and is expected to last for at least till the 17th of June.

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