Amazon plans to lay off approximately 10,000 people in corporate and technology jobs soon.  

This would be the biggest cut off in employment in the history of Amazon, confirmed reports.  According to sources, the layoff would focus on Amazon’s devices organization, including the voice assistant Alexa, as well as at its retail division and in human resources.

However, the confirmed number of employees likely to be fired in the coming days is yet to be known but is said to be approximately 10,000.   An Amazon source, on condition of anonymity, said the layoffs are likely to be rolled out directly all at once by the managers and team leads.

Notably, if 10,000 employees were fired, it would be approximately 3% of the total workforce of Amazon’s corporate sector, whereas roughly 1% of the global workforce, which is close to 1.5 million employees.

Brad Glasser, an Amazon spokesman, declined to comment.

Meanwhile, in 2022, shares of Amazon have lost more than 40% of their value this year.  In addition, they were down 1.1% at $99.67 on Monday afternoon, the 14th of November.  The reason behind the fall in shares and value is said to be due to the boost in revenue during the Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) pandemic, due to the lockdowns.  However, after the lockdown ended, the offline markets started operations, due to which in 2022 the revenue and value of Amazone fell by 40%, compared to its revenue and value during the Pandemic.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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