Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on the 27th of June, arrived in Japan to attend the G20 Summit, which will be held at Osaka, Japan.

The Indian community in Japan welcomed Mr. Narendra Modi.

The G20 (Group of Twenty) Summit is scheduled to be held at the International Exhibition Center, Osaka, on the 28th of June and the 29th of June. This is the 14th G20 meet, which is being hosted by Japan this year.

Countries such as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom (U.K.,) and the United States (U.S.,) will be a part of the G20 Summit.

This year, the major topics of discussion at the G20 Summit will be terrorism, climate change, health and development.

Mr. Modi is expected to discuss issues such as women empowerment, artificial intelligence and global terrorism at the Summit.

Mr. Modi, before leaving for Japan, said, “The Summit will provide an important opportunity to reiterate and reinforce our strong support to reformed multilateralism, which is crucial for preserving rule based international order in today’s fast changing world.”

Muneo Kurauchi, the Managing Director at the Tokyo based Institute for International Monetary Affairs, said, “There are high expectations that Prime Minister Modi acts as an intermediary among developed and developing countries as well as among countries in a different economic system. India and Japan have strong ties. Prime Minister Abe together with Prime Minister Modi can somehow lead to a successful G20 summit.”

This is the 6th G20 Summit Mr. Modi is attending. Raveesh Kumar, the Spokesperson of Ministry of External Affairs, said, “For the 6th time, PM Narendra Modi will be participating in the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan from the 27 of June to the 29th of June.”

Apart from attending the G20 Summit, PM Modi will also conduct bilateral meetings with several leaders, including Donald Trump, the President of the U.S.

PM Modi will hold 10 bilateral meetings with leaders from China, Japan, Turkey and France,
along the sidelines of the Summit.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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