The former Hizbul Mujahideen commander and radical militant, Zakir Musa recently joined al Qaeda, the Islamic terrorist group. In a 4 minute clip that was released on Monday, he urged Indian Muslims to ‘stand up against oppression.’ He also said that they should launch a Jihad against the ‘Gau rakshaks’ in the country.
The video, spreading mainly on social media platforms also shows Musa slamming Indian Muslims. Musa said Indian Muslims are not raising their voices against violence in the name of cow protection. He also slammed them for not joining the Islamic Jihad for ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’ (the final and last battle for the conquest of India.)
Musa, in the same video, called out the rape of a Muslim girl by a policeman in an Uttar Pradesh train and said that Muslims should be ashamed for not bringing justice to the girl. Musa said, “One of our sisters who was on fast was raped in a running train by a policeman in Bijnore, UP. Sister, I am ashamed that I could not do anything for you,” he added, “The honour of our daughters and sisters is being violated by Indian infidels everyday and our so called Muslims are talking of Islamic peace.” He also said that “They should be ashamed of calling themselves Muslims.”
Based on reports, Two senior officers of Jammu and Kashmir have confirmed that it was Musa’s voice in the video. Sitting in front of a black al Qaeda banner with a world map added along with and two Kalashnikov rifles emblazoned on two sides, Musa in his first public statement said “It’s a war between Islam and the infidel.”
Speaking in heavy Kashmiri Urdu, Musa also said, “They (the Indian Muslims) are the most ‘beghairat qaum’ (shameless community) who cannot speak up against oppression and injustice. Is this what our Prophet and his ‘salafs’ (followers) have taught us? They gave their blood during the wars and martyrdom for the honour of our sisters.”
In the audio clip, Musa warned “We will take revenge of each murder and every atrocity committed against a Muslim and establish Sharia not just in India but across the world.”
Musa also strongly reacted to the reports that he was behind the killing of Sabzar Bhat, who is the successor of Burhan Wani that was recently killed by the Indian Armed Forces.