Social networking giant Facebook is celebrating its 12th birthday with above 1.5 billion active users on the the platform today. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook with an aim to reconnect with friends and post pictures and videos.

Last month, Zuckerberg posted on Facebook asking users to celebrate Facebook’s 12 Anniversary as ‘friendship day’. He said, “On February 4, I hope you’ll join me in celebrating #friendsday — a moment to celebrate the friendships that have made a difference in your life.”

Happy 12th Birthday Facebook

Zuckerberg wrote the first code for Facebook in January 2004, in a hope to help students at his college connect and bring community together, is overwhelmed as millions of people around the world today use Facebook to stay connected with friends and loved ones.

In an official blog post, Facebook CEO, Zuckerberg said, “That’s what the best movements do. You find ways to keep it focused on the needs of the community, and it’s not about you. And that’s the whole point of Friends Day. We felt like the world was making it too much about us and it’s not about us.”

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