At a time when hundreds and thousands of workers throughout the tech industry, Amazon are facing layoffs,  the United States Judge gave an order, asking the company to stop firing amid unionisation.

The decision of District Judge Diane Gujarati with the Eastern District of New York called Amazon, asking to stop firing employees in union organisations. 

In the filing, Judge Diane Gujarati demanded that the e commerce giant cease and desist from “discharging employees because they engaged in protected concerted activity” and “in any like or related manner interfering with, restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed to them by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.”

Those rights include freedom from interference, restraint or coercion from employers when seeking to unionize.

The orders are said to be interfering with Amazon’s termination policies, as it restricts the giant company from firing employees working in the unionisation.

Ms. Diane Gujarari said that there is a reasonable cause to believe that an unfair labour practice had been committed in the termination of employees at Amazon.

The judgement came after the district judge reviewed a case filed by the National Labor Relations Board, which sued Amazon in March seeking the reinstatement of a fired employee who was involved in organizing a company warehouse on Staten Island, New York.  Although the court did not issue any order to reinstate the fired employee Gerald Bryson but stopped further firing of employees working for unionisation.

Recently tech giant company Amazon fired thousands of employees, giving an uncertain future to many.

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