In 2006 YouTube CEO, Susan Wojicicki was overseeing Google video and in charge of its acquisitions. The search giant was looking at YouTube, then a small unprofitable Silicon Valley startup, when Wojicicki stumbled upon a video of two boys in China lipsynching to the Backstreet Boys “As Long As You Love Me.”


The video that convinced Google to buy YouTube

This crazy video of the two boys outrageously lip-syncing while their room-mate did the homework in the background was hilarious to the Google exec, she said on-stage at the Fortune Most Powerful Women Next Gen Summit.

Here is the video which forced Google to take over YouTube :

“That was the video that made me realize that ‘Wow, people all over the world can create content, and they don’t need to be in a studio,'” Wojcicki said.

A light bulb went off in her head, and six months after the video was posted, Wojcicki led Google through the $1.65 billion acquisition of the video sharing site. She’s loved YouTube since she watched this video, and was named its CEO in February 2014.

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