While some are lost wandering through the ages, there are some whose ambitions start early. Chloe Bridgewater, a 7 year old U.K., resident sent out a handwritten job application to the ‘Google Boss.’ The little girl heard from her father about the amazing amenities of the search engine giant and couldn’t help herself from penning her thoughts to enter the Google world.

chloe letter from google


Chloe’s father, Andy Bridgewater, took a snapshot of the letter and posted it on his LinkedIn page following the encouragement from his daughter. But to his immense surprise and to our wonderful discovery, the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, himself replied to the little girl, sending her a letter to her house in Hereford. The letter read persuaded Chloe to keep following her dreams and also stated that “I look forward to receiving your job application when you are finished with school! 🙂

Chloe and Andy Bridgewater google

Chloe and Andy Bridgewater

Chloe’s intrigue with Google started when she recently asked her father where his ideal place to work would be. Currently working for a sales department in refrigeration systems, Bridgewater said, “Oh, Google would be a nice place to work,” owing to their world famous perks and all of the cutting edge work they do, he says. Excited by the prospects, Chloe said she wanted to work there and applied for the job.

letter from pichai

Although it was a little kid’s whim, it was kind of Pichai to not rule it out and actually send back a reply. And it was all the more of a happy moment for Chloe who was recently knocked down by a car. Just the boost that she needed, and a motivation for many children across the globe that no dream is ever too big!

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