Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO,) demonstrated a solar hybrid electric car recently. This has been developed by the organization with the use of in house resources in Thiruvananthapuram at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC.) This announcement was made by ISRO on Monday.

VSSC is a part of ISRO that is the center for manufacturing different rockets like the Reusable Launch Vehicle and Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle. ISRO, demonstrated this nature friendly vehicle and even tested its uphill drive, which was successful. The organization is also now searching different ways to cut down the cost of the necessities for the car.

ISRO said “An ideal transportation system should envisage zero emission without any pollution.” It also said that the usage of fossil fuels for driving the car will cause problems to the environment and life on earth.

The electric car is run by using lithium-ion batteries that can be charged by sunlight and have high energy saving capacity. The organization said the main challenge for the designing of the car was setting up a solar panel on the top of the car to charge the battery. This panel also controls the electronics for the battery and solar panel interface to run the car smoothly also known as ‘drive electronic.’

Scientists believe that this is the next step in technology so as to consume less fossil fuel and save the planet.