Malware’s are very easy to push into any mobile phone through apps that are installed. The Home Ministry, on Tuesday, released an alert saying Pakistani agencies are prying on Indians by pushing malware through few phone applications. These applications, suggest reports, are a serious threat to the users and can give away their personal information. The applications named by the Government are Top Gun, which is a gaming app, Mpjunkie a music application, Bdjunkie a video application and Talking Frog which is a replica of Talking Tom, an entertainment app. A notice has been issued by the government, that these four applications must be deleted by Indians immediately.

A major alert suggests that multiple Pakistani hi-tech companies are sending malware in mobile devices through a series of mobile applications.

A major alert suggests that multiple Pakistani hi-tech companies are sending malware in mobile devices through a series of mobile applications.

The government also said Pakistani agencies marketed these apps to steal crucial information accessible through smartphones. They can access all the details entered and saved in the mobile phone once these applications are installed. These include banking details, mobile payment details etc, which are on a rise as a result of Demonetisation.

Earlier this year, Google removed an application called SmeshApp from their Play Store for similar reasons. This app was used to spy on the locations of the Indian Army. And apart from those that track their movements and crack counter-terrorism actions taken against Pakistan’s terrorist groups.

Investigations also revealed the involvement of ISI (Inter-Service Intelligence) behind this move. The SmeshApp was found mining top secret information including troop movements, tapping phone calls, messages and even photographs. All the information collected by these apps was located in Germany, but operated by an individual based in Karachi.

In the Pathankot Terror Attack that happened in January 2016, it was revealed that information was used by Pakistan’s agencies through this app. It was allegedly aimed at all defense forces of India like Army, Navy, and Air Force.

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