Remember how our parents tell us always buy the branded stuff because it is safe! Well seem like even a brand as big as Apple is now not giving any promises after a recent incident of a smoking iPhone 7 surfaced.

A teen from Tuscon, Arizona, put up a video of her smoking iPhone 7 Plus shocking every Apple user all over the World. Brianna Olivas, 18, said that she had bought the phone in January this year and a day before the phone actually blew up, she had been already facing problems with it. Photos taken after the incident by her reveal the phone’s screen detached from the battery with a completely melted side bezel.

iphone 7 exploded

iphone 7 exploded 2

Olivas said “I realized there was a problem a day before it blew up. It would not turn [on] so I took it into a store and they were able to get the phone on and they ran diagnostics and said nothing was wrong with the phone.” But the next day, she had put her phone for charging through the night and in the morning her boyfriend had taken it off and out on the dresser. A moment later, the lad found smoke coming out of the device. “I was asleep with my phone charging next to my head, my boyfriend grabbed the phone and put it on the dresser. He went to the restroom … and from the corner of his eye he saw my phone steaming and [heard] a squealing noise. By the time he got over to the phone it had already caught fire, he quickly grabbed the phone and threw it in the restroom … as soon as he threw [it] in the restroom, it blew up and more smoke started coming out of the phone.”

Although a battery explosion can result from a faulty repair or shady knockoff charger, Olivas has supposedly always used an Apple charger and didn’t have any issues with her phone until she took it to the Sprint store on Tuesday.

Here is the video of the incident.

Many such incident have been apparently reported but this is the first time it has been recorded. Apple is “looking into it,” according to a company spokesperson. They have already given Olivas a replacement and continue to run diagnostics on the burned phone. It is yet to be known what could be the cause of such a malfunction.

iphone 7 tim cook