The last few years have seen a tremendous rise in cyber-crimes with many reports of online money laundering. Well, the threat is not just confined there. As per the emerging sources, cyber security experts have cautioned internet users in India of a possible phishing attack by a virus that could potentially suck up all of your personal bank related data.

The virus named Golroted takes origin from the deadly Trojan category on viruses, which can pose some serious challenges as it has the capability to mask all the original content and run in disguise of being the unique and genuine content.

CERT-In (Computer Emergency Response Team of India), an agency that fights these cyber-crimes like, hacking and phishing, has issued a warning to Indian internet users that read “It has been reported that variants of a new malware family, dubbed as ‘Golroted’, having spyware functionalities are spreading. These malware typically spread through spear phishing mails having attachments as zipped archives or Microsoft Office document exploits or via removable drives.”

The virus is specifically targeting all banking and finance related transactions, by which users could lose all of their money available in their bank.

“Golroted is reported as targeting banking sites, online payment sites, email accounts, social networking sites among others. The stolen information is ex-filtrated to a pre-configured File Transfer Protocol server/web panels or to email addresses as attachments,” it said.

Due to this, there are few things that an internet user has to keep in mind. They are:

  1. Do not Follow unnecessary links or email attachments
  2. Do not use shared or group accounts
  3. Disable file sharing if not required
  4. Do not save your banking credentials on your browser.

By following these rules, there is a chance you could limit the threat of being attacked. And remember one thing, Privacy on internet is a myth. Stay safe.

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