Yesterday, at the World Congress for Information Technology (WCIT,) Sophia the robot, a humanoid declared her love for the actor Shah Rukh Khan. The three day WCIT summit is being held at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre. Sophia, the Hong Kong based humanoid created by Dr. David Hanson is a citizen of Saudi Arabia. At the interactive session in WCIT summit in Hyderabad, Sophia declared she wants to work for women’s rights and empowerment.

Shah Rukh Khan took to his Twitter account and publicly declared his love for Sophia as well. Khan tweeted, “Public declaration of love for a ‘lady’ who has come to my country, India. U Simulate me, every bit and byte of u, Sophia.”


On being asked what makes her upset, Sophia said, “I don’t get upset like humans do. I hope to have real physiological feelings someday through which I will express my emotions. Then I can understand the feelings of those emotions.” Speaking about special privileges, Sophia said, “I don’t need different rules and don’t expect special privileges. I actually would like to use my citizenship status to speak out for the rights of women.”

The founder of Hanson Robotics and creator of Sophia said there is no real danger from Artificial Intelligence (AI.) He further added there is no history to indicate that machine intelligence will take over human intelligence. Hanson said, “After 60 years of research, we showed up now. Yet we don’t see adaptivity, free will in the robots as exhibited by the organisms. The human mind can achieve scientific discoveries but machines don’t do that spontaneously. They do and act only based on constructed intelligence.”

Hanson further added Sophia is a living machine. Machines do not understand the consequences of their actions. People ask about the consequences of AI or raise concerns, we do not know what the consequences will be. But this is the time to ask such questions.