Birders found a nice way to celebrate World Environment Day by saving a hapless Purple Heron. The bird was found struggling in Osman Sagar Lake on the outskirts of the city.

The Heron had a fishing hook stuck inside its throat and a group of birders rescued the Heron. The rescuers are from the Hyderabad Birding Pals (HBP) group and were on their weekly birding trip.

The group saw the bird stuck and barely able to move.  One of the birders Kalyan borrowed a boat from a local villager and approached the bird. Kalyan wrapped the bird and untangled it from the fish hook.

The rescuers saved the Heron who managed to fly away happily. The video below was posted on Facebook by one of the members of HBP. This is not the first time HBP members rescued birds. The group goes on rounds and help injured birds nurse back to health and set them free.