After six months the Telengana State officials and staff will not be allowed to use private email services like Yahoo, G-mail, Rediff etc.. Stating security reasons, in 2015, The Centre had proposed a ban on private email services and made it mandatory for all officials and staff to use only state owned services for official communication The 2016 proposal by T.S., government is only an execution of the policy.

Private Email Banned

Even officials who belong to Home, Finance, Revenue and General Administration continue to use private email services, even though they hold very confidential information. IT minister K.T. Rama Rao and staff in his department, ministers and senior officials in other departments have no access to official email IDs. The officials and staff in all state departments are still continuing to use private email services for the government correspondence.

The new policy’s purpose is to safeguard the confidential information from all the departments and make sure that the access to the Telengana State email services is provided. But, the T.S., IT department has failed to coordinate with the departments and implement the same.

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