The Telangana Joint Action Committee (TJAC) Chairman Prof. Kodandram Reddy announced that his would soon launch his own political party to take on Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS.) Reddy made the announcement at the TJAC’s general body meeting at Turkayamjal in Ranga Reddy district.

Speaking at the meeting, Reddy stated, “We need to form a political party to fulfil dreams of Telangana people while allowing TJAC to retain its apolitical face. The decision was taken after a pressing demand from TJAC leaders who attended the general body meeting on Sunday.”

Reddy explained the launch of the party was inevitable to be able to fight the issues like unemployment and farmers’ suicide. He said, “How long the TJAC will carry on struggles on behalf of people without any result? Therefore, it was decided to launch a party to implement the people’s agenda.”  

The TJAC Chairman stated the TRS Government only recognised 786 of the farmers that committed suicide whereas the total number is 3,400 farmers. He was quoted saying, “As much as Rs. 6 lakh ex gratia has to be paid to family members of farmers who committed suicide, but the State has washed its hands of after compensating only 500 odd families.”

Kondandram further clarified that the TJAC would remain a non political body and continue to point out the Government’s failures. The name and plan of action for the party would be decided by the people concerned.