Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley received a strong message from 300 female students affiliated with the Students Federation of India (SFI.) The Students sent him sanitary napkins with ‘bleed without fear’ and ‘bleed without tax’ written on them.

The students are desperately trying to get the government to reconsider the 12% tax on sanitary napkins.

The students from different institutions in Thiruvananthapuram, marched to the General Post Officer in the city.

The woman chanted slogans outside the post office while each lady posted a sanitary napkin to the official Finance minister’s address.

The SFI is carrying out such protests around the country from July 11th to July 14th.
The Nationwide campaign will be conducted at college campuses and SFI district centers.

Member of the center Secretariat of the SFI, Khadeejath Suhaila said, “We have decided to carry out the protest on all campuses. There were protests in Kannur and other places today. We decided to conduct the protest under SFI’s banner and not restricted to female students committees as the issue is not related to just women or girls.”

Thiruvananthapuram district secretary of SFI, Pradin Saj Krishna explained, “The government has overlooked ordinary women’s grievances.”

Vice President of SFI, Parvathy said, “The government might have its own arguments. But it extremely difficult for the common people to afford it in the increased rates.”