IT Minister K. T. Rama Rao surprised a freedom fighter on his birthday and launched a book written by him. Mitta Yadava Reddy turned 88 and celebrated the day with KTR. The IT Minister also launched the book My Memoirs written by Mitta.

In May, KTR received a tweet from Mitta’s granddaughter Nidhi Reddy. She asked KTR if he would launch her grandfather book who was a freedom fighter and a retired Osmania University professor. KTR responded almost immediately, “Absolutely. Least I can do for a hero like your grandfather.”

On Sunday, KTR visited Mitta’s residence in Habsiguda along with Energy Minister Jagdish Reddy and Mayor Bonthu Ram Mohan. Talking to KTR, Mitta expressed his happiness over the TRS governance in the State.

KTR said, “The words from the freedom fighter is an encouragement to the future generations. The freedom we enjoy today is because of the struggles of great freedom fighters like Mitta Yadava Reddy.”

Mitta Yadav Reddy actively participated in the India freedom struggle during 1945 to 1947. His fight for freedom landed him in jail as a political prisoner in 1948. Once he was released he resumed his education and completed his MA and Ph.D., in Economics. Mitta went on to become the Dean of Social Sciences in Osmania University.