The Andhra Pradesh State Police arrested nearly 2,000 people in four districts for organizing cockfights. It is said the police especially targeted organizers and punters from the districts of Krishna, Guntur, East and West Godavari. The police officials stated they arrested 1,917 organizers from four districts alone. The police officials further said severe action will be taken against those organizing the banned bloodsport. Action will also be taken against the owner of the land (for allowing his land to be used for such an activity,) punters, villages selling roosters, the spectators and abettors.

Animal rights activists stated that as per the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and the AP Gaming Act 1974, cockfights are illegal. The accused are charged under the Andhra Pradesh (AP) Gaming Act. The police seized cash, roosters and knives from the organizers and punters. A Police Officer said, “The arrested, along with the seized fowl, cash and knives, would be produced in Court. A detailed report would be submitted to the High Court.”

Vijayawada Police Commissioner D. Gautam Sawang said 456 people involved in cockfights are taken into custody. He further added 409 cases have been booked this year and Vijaywada witnessed a 250% increase in the number of cockfights being held. A total of 955 people were arrested across Krishna district in 382 cases. The Guntur Urban and Rural Police managed to register more than 4,000 cases. A total of 722 cases were registered against 2,805 people in West Godavari district while East Godavari witnessed around 1,000 cases.

The Humane Society International (HSI) of India said, “Irrespective of whether the birds are fitted with knives or whether ancillary activities of betting, gambling take place, the practice of animal fights is prohibited by law. The Courts have time and again upheld this prohibition on cockfights.”

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal against an order of the Hyderabad High Court. The Court further directed the Andhra Pradesh (AP) Government to not allow cockfights during Sankranti and seize the roosters. During Sankranti, in AP crores of Rupees are exchanged as cockfights are organized on a massive scale. It is said politicians, businessmen and celebrities also bet at the cockfights organized during Sankranti.