Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister K. T. Rama Rao met a 7 year old mountaineer at Pragathi Bhavan. On the 24th of June Samanyu Pothuraju who is a mountaineer requested KTR to meet him. KTR accepted and met with young prodigy today.

The Minister spent a few hours with Samanyu and his family. He also assured them of help for Samanyu’s future endeavors. The mother of Samanyu M. Lavanya said, KTR Sir looked very happy to meet my son and he lifted my son to check his weight.”

KTR also directed IT Secretary Jayesh Ranjan to research the possibilities for helping Samanyu. At the end of July, Samanyu plans to scale Mt. Elbrus in Russia. The mother further added, “This meet before the Russia expedition will definitely boost my son’s confidence.” The boy’s parents were thrilled to see KTR keeping up to his word and meeting their son.

Samanyu became the youngest mountaineer in the world to scale up Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in  Africa. The boy accompanied by his coach, mother, a fellow mountaineer and doctor scaled the peak in 5 days.