On Friday, ‘walk for justice’ was held by techies near Hi-tech city in Hyderabad from the Information Technology sector to protest the mass layoffs.

The protestors under the banner ‘Forum for IT Professionals’ (ForIT) gathered at the junction in Raheja Mindspace. They held up placards with slogans asking for justice for all those who lost their jobs recently.

Their slogans read, ‘we want justice,’ ‘down with corporate greed,’ ‘give back my job’ and ‘give back my life.’

Founder member of ForIT, Kiran Chandra said, “It is illegal to retrench employees under the guise of under performance. Employees are protected under the law of the land and no one can be fired without due process of law.”

The members of the forum also informed the media that they had several petitions signed and filed with the Hyderabad labor commissioner but the authorities ignored their plea. The members were forced to file a case with the High Court after this.

The recent layoffs are due to two important reasons, one is the slump in the growth of the Information Technology sector and second being companies concentrating on automation that requires lesser workforce.

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