The city of Hyderabad has made begging illegal for the next two months as the Global Entrepreneurship Summit is set to begin in the city. The police in the city have been relocating all the beggars to rehabilitation centers.

The clean up drive is to free the city of beggars just before the U.S., President’s daughter Ivanka Trump arrives in Hyderabad. The police found two women begging and decided to shift them but to their surprise, the two women began arguing in fluent English.

The police found that Farzana and Rabiya Baseera were both highly educated women who chose to beg. Farzana who begs near a Shrine has an MBA and worked in London as an accounts officer.

Rabiya Baseera fought with the cops at the rehab center to go back to begging has a U.S., green card. The police found that Baseera owns property in the city as well.
Farzana’s son explained to the police, his mother started seeking alms after a godman told her it was the only way to rid her of bad luck. Based on her son’s affidavit, the police released the woman. The 50 year old owns a luxurious apartment in Hyderabad and her son is a successful architect in the U.S.

Rabiya, on the other hand, was forced to beg after her relatives duped her of all her possessions. The woman managed to make enough money by begging to purchase a property in the city.
Earlier, the police were taken aback when five beggars gave Rs. 20,000 as their bail.