The neonatology specialists at Rainbow Hospital in Hyderabad managed to save a 4 month premature baby. The baby girl named Cherry fought all odds on ventilator for 100 days. When Cherry was born she hardly weighed 375 grams and was 20 cm in length.

The doctors have described this as the smallest baby saved in South East Asia. During a routine ultrasound, the doctor found the blood flow between the mother and baby was compromised. They advised the parents to agree to a premature delivery.

Dr. Ramesh Kancharla CMD at Rainbow Hospital Group said, “On February 27, Nitika delivered baby girl weighing 375 grams. She was only 20 cms in length and fitted in the palm. We assured the parents that (the) hospital is going to go through this journey together with them.”

Director for the Intensive Care Services, Dr. Dinesh Kumar said, “Due to the small size of the baby we had to find the smallest possible breathing tube. The baby also had a hearing and breathing problem. Fortunately, there was no bleeding in the brain.”

The fifth day on the ventilator the doctors found bleeding in baby Cherry’s lungs. She was immediately shifted to a special ventilator called the High Frequency Ventilator. Cherry stayed on the ventilator for 105 days after which she weighed 1.98 kilograms. After a recent follow up Cherry is healthier and now weighs 2.12 kilograms.