The Hyderabad Metro Rail will soon set up Mana Kuragayalu at the stations. Mana Kuragayalu that translates to Our Vegetables is an outlet that sells fresh vegetables. The Marketing Department will start by setting up 11 outlets between the Miyapur and Paradise stations.

Marketing Department General Manager for Mana Kuragayalu Y. J. Padma Harsha said the first phase for 11 outlets will be launched by the second week of June. The outlets set at the street level of the metro stations will make it easier for commuters to purchase fresh vegetables.   

The Marketing Department along with the Hyderabad Metro Rail authorities conducted a joint inspection to allow space for the vegetable store. The authorities also said the outlets are designed in such a way as to match the ambiance of the Metro Stations.  

The Mana Kuragayalu will be open to the general public. Once the first phase of 11 outlets is launched the department plans to set up more stores at the remaining metro stations.  

At present, the department has a total of 56 Mana Kuragayalu outlets in Hyderabad.