The Hyderabad Police issued a banning order against the controversial Hindu seer Swami Paripoornananda. The order comes two days after the city’s police banned film critic Mahesh Kathi from the city.

The Swami will not be allowed to enter Hyderabad for the next six months without prior permission from the police. Paripoornananda was kept under house arrest under Section 151 of the CrPC (Arrest to Prevent the Commission of Cognizable Offences.) The West Zone Police held the seer under house arrest since Monday and then deported him to his native home in Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh.

After the film critic Kathi was banned from the city, the police received criticism from the public. Many questioned why Kathi was attacked when he had no criminal background. Others asked why action was not taken against Swami Paripoornananda. This led to the police collecting video evidence against the Swami.   

In a statement, the Swami alleged the Government collected surcharges against the Hindus while visiting Kasi or Rameswaram. Further stating the Christians and Muslims get a subsidy for their visits to Mecca or Jerusalem.

The police found the Swami’s speeches were an attempt to create a communal divide. On the 10th of July, a show cause notice was issued by the city’s police against the Swami.

The notice gives the accused 24 hours to defend why the authorities should not ban him from the city. However, the Swami ignored the notice forcing the Hyderabad Commissioner Anjani Kumar to extern him from the city.  

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