Hyderabad: In a gruesome incident, an 18-month-old child slipped from third floor accidentally fell to his death in Rahmathnagar on Sunday. According to police Yateesh Venkati slipped through the grill in the balcony and fell down.
Venkati’s father, Mr. Satyanarayana works as a techie in Madhapur and his wife Tripura is a housewife. Police said Tripura was working in the kitchen when the toddler was playing in the hall along with his brother and slipped from the balcony.

Hyderabad: 18-Month-Old Slips Off From Third Floor, Dies

After some time, when she could not see him, Ms Tripura searched all over the flat, and found him lying in a pool of blood on the ground. “While playing he accidentally slipped through the gap between the grills and fell to the ground floor and suffered a severe head injury. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he succumbed,” said Mr K. Sattaiah, sub-inspector, Jubilee Hills.
A case of suspicious death has been registered and the body of the kid was handed over to the family after post-mortem.

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