The votes for the Civic Poll Elections in Gujarat are being counted and shows the BJP leading. But the lead is a huge decline from the last elections in 2013.

At present, the ruling BJP Party is leading in 44 out of the 75 municipalities. Last time the BJP managed to win 59 seats. On the other end, the Congress is doing better with a lead in 27 municipalities. Back in 2013, Congress only won 11 seats.

On Saturday elections for 75 municipalities, two district panchayats and 17 taluka panchayats were held. In the taluka panchayats, BJP is leading by 13 panchayats out of the 17.

The Civic Elections were a nail biting event for the BJP after December’s Assembly Elections in Gujarat. The BJP party barely managed to beat the Congress making the December Elections BJP’s weakest performance. The BJP party won 99 seats out of the 182 in the Assembly Elections. Congress was not far behind after securing a total of 77 seats.