Four youngsters were found dead, on Friday in a poultry farm in Shamirpet, Hyderabad.

The four were identified as Arvind, Shiva Shankar Alias Satish, Mahesh and Mahender Reddy. All were workers at the KGL poultry farm in Bommarasipet village, from the Shamirpet district.

The deceased were working on the farm since a month and lived nearby in a room given by the owner. The owner told the police the four worked late on Thursday night and later went to bed. The next morning, a co worker found them dead and called the police.

At first, the Shamirpet police suspected the death to be a mass suicide, which later was thought to be  because of asphyxiation. However, the reason of the death is yet to be confirmed.

On Thursday night, the four of them lit a charcoal to warm their room, closing windows and doors tightly, not allowing any space and air to enter the room.

The bodies were sent for an autopsy to Gandhi Hospital morgue, after which the confirm reason of the death will be disclosed.

Stay tuned for further updates about the story.

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