Samarth Bangari is a modern day Mowgli in Dharwad district in Karnataka. The two year old boy has managed to befriend a group of langur monkeys. This unusual friendship came to light when the infant was spotted all alone in the village with two dozen wild grey langurs.

The boy’s uncle Barama Reddy described the friendship as strange. He explained it was not normal for the monkeys to act this way. The villagers were initially skeptical and feared the monkeys might attack the boy. But over time it became clear the monkeys were fond of Samarth and loved his company.

It is an odd sight to see but Samarth enjoys sitting in his village with a dozen monkeys to share his food. The monkeys come back every single day and spend two to three hours with the Mowgli boy.

The uncle said, “Since that day, the monkeys haven’t missed a day. They come to the house around the same time.” He further added, “Even if he is sleeping, they first wake him up, and then sit with him for an hour or two.”

The villagers assumed the monkeys like the company of children and tried to leave another infant along with them. But the monkeys seem to have a soft spot for Samarth and got aggressive towards the new infant.

Samarth even mimics the monkeys even though he has not started speaking yet. Uncle Reddy also said, “Everyone thinks that he is special and they are communicating with each other and can understand what is being said.”