The rains in Tamil Nadu refuse to take a break, leading to serious water logging in many parts of the State. The State Government ordered all schools and colleges to remain closed today. The IT companies in Chennai were advised to close for the day due to the heavy downpour.

The Weather Department warned the public regarding the rain but also assured there was no reason to panic. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) tweeted a set of precautionary tips for the people during the heavy rains.

A low pressure on the Bay of Bengal near Sri Lanka caused nonstop rain in Chennai for five hours. This led to water logged areas in the coastal pockets of Chennai leaving commuters stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.

Corporation Commissioner Dr. D. Karthikeyan assured the public and said, “People need not panic. There’s good rainfall in areas closer to the sea. All these waters would recede once the rain stops. Waters  would drain into the Buckingham canal and the River Cooum.”

The Chief Minister E. Palaniswami conducted a review meeting and announced 115 multipurpose shelters were ready in coastal districts for the public’s safety.

The meeting also assigned local ministers and three senior bureaucrats to each district to conduct rescue and relief missions in the state.

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