Assam has been struggling with the recent floods and the situation deteriorated even further on Tuesday. There was another flood that affected another 4 districts apart from the 21 already affected. This has led to the lives of 10 more people and increasing the number of lives affected to 33 lakh.

The Indian army has been deployed to help the civil administration in the rescue missions. The Brahmaputra river and its tributaries have been increasing to dangerous levels leading to the disconnection of surface communications in many areas.

The Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) reported that the flood this year has claimed the lives of 112 people in total.

Official sources from the state revealed that the National Highway 37 started flooding blocking upper Assam to lower Assam. Vehicles were stranded on the highway and were diverted via Nagaland.

Army vehicles are being used to transport rations and other provisions to the relief camps that have been set up in the state.

The district administration also reported that the army was helping them air drop food packets and other relief items in the flood struck areas.

At present, the district administration has set up 315 relief camps in which 1.68 lakh people are taking shelter. The ASDMA official reported that 14,000 people were rescued with the help of the SDRF and NDRF with 232 boats.