Yesterday, a pregnant woman riding pillion, lost her life as a Traffic Police Inspector kicked the bike while chasing them. Usha (36,) along with her husband Raja (40) were allegedly chased by Inspector Kamaraj for not stopping during a vehicle check at Thuvakudi, Tiruchirappalli in Tamil Nadu.

Kamaraj and his team attempted to stop Raja for not wearing a helmet. Raja is said to have ignored the police team and sped past them. Later, Kamaraj chased the duo on his two wheeler and intercepted them with a kick. Meanwhile, the couple lost their balance and fell on the road.

Unfortunately, Usha succumbed to her injuries while Raja was admitted to a Government hospital in Tiruchirappalli. As people gathered near the couple, Kamaraj is said to have fled the spot. This incident occurred at Ganesha Point near Thiruverumbur on the Thanjavur road.

The enraged locals and motorists, who witnessed this incident blocked the road and demanded immediate action against Kamaraj. However, the policemen resorted to lathi charge as the protest lasted for a few hours.

Tiruchirappalli Police Commissioner A. Amalraj said Kamaraj was arrested and would be suspended. Police will also register a case against the locals who gathered at the scene and damaged police and public vehicles.