Mr. M.K. Stalin, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, tested positive for the Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19.)  

On the night of the 12th of July, Tuesday, the Tamil Nadu CM took to Twitter and confirmed being positive for the COVID-19 infection.  The tweet read, “Today, I experienced mild fatigue. When tested, the result was positive for COVID-19. I have hence isolated myself.  Let’s all wear masks, get vaccinated and stay safe.”

Mr. M.K. Stalin said he has isolated himself and is doing fine, under the supervision of doctors. He also asked everyone to wear face masks and follow the appropriate guidelines of COVID-19.  Mr. M.K. Stalin said, “Let’s all put on masks, get immunised, and practise safety.”  Furthermore, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister also asked the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) members, who came in contact with him to take the Wuhan virus (COVID-19) test.

Mr. M.K. Stalin also assured the Party workers and his well wishers about his health, saying he is doing fine and would be back in a couple of days.

Meanwhile, with over 2,000 new cases of the Wuhan virus, the State is continuously reporting an increase in the Novel Coronavirus cases, due to which, Tamil Nadu is in the fifth position in terms of the active cases of the Wuhan virus.

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