The External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj always comes out to be a savior. This time she responded to a woman who had been tweeting Mrs. Swaraj since a very long time – Jyoti R. Pande, who hails from Jaipur and who was denied a New Zealand visa three times.

Jyothi wanted to go to New Zealand to stay with her husband but in spite of her many trials, she was denied a visa. She then sought help from Sushma Swaraj by tweeting her. But like Jyoti, there were many other people who tweet the minister daily and Mrs. Swaraj unfortunately missed out on her tweet.

When Jyoti couldn’t find a solution, she tweeted Sushma asking if she should commit suicide to get her attention. Jyoti finally got a reply from Swaraj to which she replied saying that she would take the matter into her hands. Sushma also requested Jyoti not to take a drastic step and assured Jyoti that she would be reunited with her husband soon!

Sushma has also called for a meeting with Jyoti for a one on one discussion to solve the matter.

This is just one of the many time Sushma Swaraj has come forward to help the Indian citizens abroad as well as the foreign nationals in India. Respect this determined lady and a salute to her good work!