Over the past few days, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has been stressing the importance of being done with the ‘VIP culture,’ in India. He said that for this the mindset of people in India must be cleansed.

The PM said ‘VIP’ should be replaced by ‘EPI’ in our country, wherein ‘Every Person is Important.’ He also said that in his vision for a new India, importance should be given more to EPI than VIP. Speaking at his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ radio program, the PM said the removal of red beacons was aimed at reducing VIP culture.

Modi said, “The red beacon used to be fixed atop a vehicle but slowly and steadily it permeated into the psyche and got firmly entrenched in the mindset. The red beacon has gone for good but nobody can say with certainty that it has also disappeared from the mindset.” One day before the red beacon ban came into affect the PM said everybody in the country has equal importance and are valued.

He also shared that this decision was well received by the masses and added, “I did not know that people have so much contempt for VIP culture before we took the decision recently banning the use of red beacons on vehicles of ministers and others.”

The PM also said that only when all the differences are eliminated will there be an equal India.