It has been fourteen days since the Winter session of the parliament began. And from day one, the house has been prone to disruptions. There have been various issues going on from Demonetisation to Army’s annual exercise in West Bengal.

The Winter session of parliament is all set to take a four day break.

The Winter session of parliament is all set to take a four-day break.

On Thursday, Business Advisory Committees of the respective parties suggested a four-day break is declared from Saturday and to declare December 12 as a holiday. Both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha gave their nod to this. December 13 has been declared a holiday on account of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi. And after the working day on Friday, the Parliament will meet again on December 14. In this regard, the leaders of some parties raised the issue as some of the southern states are observing the Prophet’s birthday on Monday.

In the Zero hour, when the speaker, Sumitra Mahajan sought approval of the house in this regard, the members supported it in unison. In the Rajya Sabha, it was declared that the BAC in their meeting on 8th decided to declare December 12th as a holiday by the Chairman Hamid Ansari. He announced, “There will be no sitting of the House on that day.” Mr. Ansari also said the BAC decided that the House should sit beyond 6 P.M., for transacting legislative and government business.


The President, Pranab Mukherjee lashed out at disruptors and asked them to do their job.

After the third consecutive week of disturbances and slogan shouting in the Parliament, the President Pranab Mukherjee lashed out at the members to not misuse the freedom of parliament. He said, “I have no intention of accusing any individual but disrupting the Parliament has become a practice.” He also added “Majority never participate in disruptions. Only minority come to the well, shout slogans, stop proceeding and create a situation.” The President went ahead and lashed out at the protesters saying, “For God’s sake, Do your job!”

The disruptions in the house have made it tough for the proceedings to take place. But now as the minority are participating in these disruptions, members of the opposition have agreed to meet the leading party, that is BJP, half way and have a debate on the issues. The states have also accepted to sit together and solve the issues involving Goods and Services Tax bill.

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