Former Indian National Congress (INC) Mr. Hardik Patel Joined the opposition, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on the 2nd of June, Thursday.

On the 31st of May, Tuesday, Mr. Yagnesh Dave, the Spokesperson of the BJP in Gujarat, confirmed Mr. Hardik Patel joining the BJP. After two days of the confirmation, the former INC leader wore the saffron scarf at the BJP office in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

After joining the BJP, Mr. Hardik Patel said, “I am about to start a new chapter with feelings of national interest, regional interest and social interest.  I will work as a small soldier in the massive work in national service under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”

Earlier this month, Mr. Hardik Patel quit the INC over leadership issues and party policies of opposing everything introduced by the BJP, without considering people’s welfare.  He was also agitating against the INC over the Paatidar reservation issue, which is a major reason behind his resignation from the INC.

Meanwhile, the BJP welcomed Mr. Hardik Patel into the party, who assured to work for the people under the leadership of Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India.

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