On Friday, the Election Commission has backed out from attending the Hackathon. Aam Aadmi Party Chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal alleged that the ‘EC has backed out of proposed hackathon’ to ascertain the reliability of EVMs. The party expressed their disappointment with the EC.

The Election Commission informed the representatives of 55 political parties at the All India Party meet in the hackathon that they would offer an opportunity to prove that EVMs in the Assembly Elections were tampered with.

Nasim Zaidi, the Chief Election Commissioner cleared that a ‘challenge’ was possible on the reliability of the EVMs. Zaidi also said that in future all elections will have EVMs and also paper trails. Zaidi, speaking to media after all party meeting said, “Although the use of VVPAT with EVMs will ensure total credibility and transparency and put to rest all controversy, the Commission will, after today’s meeting, hold a challenge.”

Zaidi also added, “You should be convinced that EC has no favorites…we maintain equidistance from all parties and groups. It is our constitutional and moral duty to stand dead center of the circle drawn around us by 56 political parties (seven national and 49 state-recognized parties).”

The CEC also made it clear that there were no favorites and everyone will be given equal opportunity. However, he did not mention any date for the challenge.