An MP from Bihar, Ranjeet Rajan on Wednesday introduced a private bill in the Lok Sabha that might help in curbing the money spent lavishly on weddings. This bill was formed after the wedding of Gaali Janardhan Reddy’s daughter where in he spent more than Rs. 500 crores immediately after Demonetisation. This set off doubts in the minds of people as they were struggling to get hold of Rs. 2000 from ATM’s and banks. Also, this decision came so as to end making marriages a symbol of social status by arranging themed weddings, pre-wedding shoots, post wedding shoots and much more.

Gaali Janardhan Reddy spent more than Rs. 500 crores on his daughter’s wedding.

This bill, introduced in Lok Sabha, wants to put a limit on the amount of money spent and also the number of guests invited to the weddings. Basically, it puts a check on the ‘Shaadi Showoff’ done in our society. The bill states that any amount spent above Rs. 5 Lakh on a wedding ceremony, 10 percent has to be donated to an unprivileged family of a girl for her wedding. This, the MP hopes will put a check on the lavish weddings in our country.

Themed and destination weddings will also have a check on them once the bill is passed.

The MP was quoted as saying, “These days marriages are about showing off your wealth. This should be checked as it is not good for the society at large.” This bill also says that any married couple must register the marriage within 60 days of wedding. If the said bill is passed in the Lok Sabha then the government will decide on the number of guests that can be invited to the ceremony and also how large and lavish the food spread can be. It is as of now yet unknown how the government will keep a track the millions of weddings that happen across the country and the catering services.

Well, it will be quite interesting to watch the wedding ceremonies with the government raiding the venues!